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Give Your Morning Routine a Makeover

Are you tired of getting up on the wrong side of the bed every morning? If this is a common occurrence, perhaps it is time to reconsider your habits and realize that it’s not the bed’s fault – perhaps it’s you who needs to shake things up, turn them around and stop hitting that snooze button. If you are ready for a lifestyle makeover, keep on reading because we have come up with a foolproof list of hacks that are guaranteed to turn that morning frown into a morning smile.

Rise and shine

If you are guilty of the ultimate morning crime – hitting the snooze button – it is time to stop. Mary A. Carskadon, Ph.D., a professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University tells us that, while you may feel that you are getting the extra fifteen minutes you crave so much, hitting that button only serves to confuse both the body and the brain resulting in that groggy, fuzzy-headed feeling called sleep inertia. From now on, when the alarm goes off, get out of the bed as soon as you hear the sound of the alarm and your body will thank you by providing you with incomparably larger levels of energy and productiveness than it would when you let it procrastinate.

Life gave you lemons for a reason

When life gives you lemons, turn them into lemon water and start the day with a beverage that is not only refreshing but also serves the great purpose of getting your system up and running. You want the water to be warm, so that it’s not a shock to your system first thing in the morning. The lemon will help get your digestive system ready for the coming meals and make the water tastier. According to Dr. Axe, lemon water helps you detox, provides you with the daily requirements of vitamin C and has a rejuvenating effect on both your body and your skin. If you find the drink too sour, add a bit of honey and kick off the day with a boost of energy.

Those legs are made for running

Morning is the absolute best time for working out. It is not overwhelmed by food or fatigue and exhaustion from a long day at the office. The first thing you should do is some light stretching, and then use this time of the day when your body’s strength is at full capacity to get those legs moving, even if it is just morning jogging. The health benefits of exercising are incredible. Working out regularly improves your mood, your cardiovascular health, helps control (and lose) weight, and provides you with a great amount of energy, which is much needed when you want to conquer the day. It is time to stock up on some great gym wear, the right running shoes and hit that gym – remember it does not hit back, although it does help you get some quality sleep. Furthermore, according to research, it helps to enhance arousal and improve your sex life. If you need a reason to start exercising, that’s got to be a good one. Not only will you feel good in yourself, but you can start to teach your partner some new tricks to spice up your sex life!

In healthy breakfast lies healthy day

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day – so make yours count. Prepare yourself an energizing meal that will boost you up and help you prepare for the day ahead. Enjoy your cup of coffee and simply be present: don’t check your phone all the time. At least for the first hour – disconnect and devote this time to yourself. This should be your moment of peace and quiet or a moment you share with your family. Instead of swiping through your phone, engage in a conversation that will help you wake up – continue reading that book you like to get your brain started.

Make a to-do list

Creating a list of chores is a great way to keep you organized and be on top of everything at any part of the day. Every time you complete a task, tick it off and the sense of accomplishment is bound to get you moving ahead, not to mention that it helps keeping your mind clear and focused. Mental notes aren’t reliable, no matter how good you think you’re at remembering things. If you set a clearly structured schedule in the morning, you’ll get better and better with time management, which is a great way to avoid hectic mornings.

Bonus tip: Keep in touch with your loved ones. Nothing warms the heart like connecting with your loved ones. There is no better way to start your day than to check in with your parents, or tell someone you love them. Not only will this bring you closer to the people you care about most, but it will reaffirm the support networks we all need in life.

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