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Athletes and CBD

CBD is the biggest new trend in wellness and complimentary health and it’s beginning to make its mark in the world of professional sport as well, with brands like fourfive not merely marketing to athletes, but founded by some professional sportsmen!

Today we’re taking a look to find out what the fuss is all about, and help you decide if CBD is right for you.


Athletes have to be very careful with the drugs and supplements they take – if they fail a drug test they could be ejected from the competition they’ve been training for for months or years or even have previous medals and triumphs stripped from their record. Some athletes have failed drug tests due to traces of standard prescription medication – or so they’ve claimed – so you need to be sure of the legality of any supplements or complimentary medicines you take.

Apart from the regulations governing your particular sport, which you should check, there is the law regarding the products that can be sold and used on the market. Recently, CBD products have become not merely legal but popular, and it’s largely due to a report from the World Health Organisation confirming that CBD is not psychoactive and does not have the potential to form addictive pathways in the brain.

Why Sports?

The main question we have to address is what do CBD products have to offer the athletes? Why are they so useful to the world of sports?

There are two answers to this question, and both of them are ‘pain’. CBD is reputed (with studies in their infancy we can’t be more definitive) to help people handle both mental and physical pain. CBD is short for cannabidiol, a compound derived from the cannabis or hemp plant, but lacking the THC which is the psychoactive component that delivers a high.

It’s pain soothing and depression and anxiety regulating properties don’t appear to come with the side effects or potential for addiction, and they are a good compliment to the life of an athlete which includes both physical pain from training and the potential for mental stress caused by disappointment, uncertainty and the self-denial needed to remain in top physical form.

CBD products come in various shapes and forms, allowing the athlete to tailor their use of it to their needs – a tough, stressful time in the run up to a major competition may call for some CBD teabags, to provide a small, steady dose throughout the day to help handle the stress. On the other hand, muscle pain after a particularly strenuous workout can be treated with CBD infused balms or oils. Whichever method you choose, you can buy in bulk so you don’t have to keep going back for more. For example, you can get a CBD Queen CBD Wholesale of whichever item you choose.

As more and more people start to incorporate CBD into their lives, and the medical establishment starts to take more notice, then the role of CBD in sports will become clearer and clearer, though the anecdotal evidence is compelling even now.

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