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5 Ways To Help Your Kids Avoid Sports Injuries

Team sports are an excellent way to teach your children a few valuable social lessons while they’re still young. Sports also help kids boost their confidence, while simultaneously teaching them that a loss isn’t the end of the world.

However, there is an added risk of injury when your kids are playing a contact sport. It’s important that you keep their little bodies safe from harm, so start by educating yourself.

Take a look at a quick overview of some useful ways to help your kids avoid being injured while playing sports, and start planning for next season today.

Some common injuries to watch for

The most common injury kids face while playing sports is a sprain or strain. Some kids experience stress fractures from pushing themselves too hard, and concussions are common in contact sports like football and rugby.

You need to know that your child’s young mind can only handle so many concussions before it suffers life-long damage. Don’t let your kid keep playing after the second concussion. At that point, you’ll need to redirect their energy to another (safer) sport.

Also, make sure you keep tabs on all of the various legal ramifications of your child being seriously injured. The liability of a personal injury is vital to the outcome of your child’s medical treatment. Don’t let the legal side of a serious injury slip through the cracks.

Keep an open line of communication

Talk with your child athlete on a regular occasion to keep an accurate tab on how they’re feeling emotionally and physically. Make sure your kid knows that they can come to you with any physical pain they may be experiencing.

You also want your kids to know that their involvement in the sport is entirely up to them. There’s no merit in forcing your child to compete.

Get a preseason physical for your little athlete

Make sure to keep up with your young athlete’s physical wellness. Your kid needs to get a thorough physical once a year to remain eligible for most sports.

It makes sense to check in on their development regularly, as intensive sports can uncover hidden issues that may have been there all along. It’s vital to keep tabs on your kid’s body, so don’t skip this step.

Encourage your kid to explore several sports

Your kid may easily acquire tunnel vision regarding their preferred sport of play, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing better out there for them. For example, if they typically play invasion games like hockey or football, why not try taking them to a tumbling center? This will not only give them a different perspective on sport as being a solo as well as a team activity but will also help them build different skills and strengths. Encourage your kids to explore alternative routes for their physical activity, and present them with plenty of sporting options as they grow.

Teach your kid the importance of warming up

You can help your child to avoid some injuries by teaching them the proper way to warm up before competing or practicing. Stretching and warming up the body helps your child to more easily acclimate to the strenuous physical impact of playing or practicing a sport.

Provided by Big Blue Swim School, offering children swim lessons

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