If you’ve always had a passion for basketball, and school tryouts are coming up, it’s likely that you’re hoping you make the team. However, despite what you might think, being tall doesn’t guarantee that you’ll make the cut. Here are some of the best tips for making the school basketball team.
Keep Your Grades Up
Believe it or not, not only your parents care about your grades-coaches care about your grades too. If you have slipping grades and hope to make it on a sports team, chances are it will pose a problem. Before you try out, you should try to improve your grades as much as possible. Whether you hire a tutor or schedule some extra one-on-one lessons with your teacher, try to make an effort to improve your academic performance so you don’t risk a chance of your poor grades getting in the way of your hopes of making the team.
Practice Makes Perfect
Even the best basketball players in the world know the importance of practicing regularly. It’s critical that you stay on top of your preparation by practicing as much as your schedule allows. If you find that you have a lot of free time on your hands, ask your parents if they can enlist you in one of the Colorado basketball clubs (if that is where you live) so that you can get some more hours of dedicated practice in. However, it can be easy to get carried away in the sport, so try not to overexert yourself. Practice helps you improve your speed, and increases your precision, but overindulging can cripple someone with fatigue and exhaustion, and you should avoid that. Still, the great part about practicing is that you can do it alone, or with friends. Get into the habit of shooting hoops at least once a day, and your performance in team tryouts will show for it.
Stand Out
Tryouts are your opportunity to be seen and showcase your talents. Don’t be shy when you’re out there. Show the coaches what you can do and make yourself stand out. Whatever you’re good at- make it visible. Whether you’re great at dribbling, or you’re excellent at three-pointers, make sure that your coach sees you do it.
Have a Positive Attitude
Coaches want to see good team players, not rogue players. Instead of playing only for yourself and focusing on making yourself look good, also focus on your teammates. Play with a positive and team-oriented attitude, and the coaches will surely notice. Basketball is all about cooperating with other teammates, and working together for a greater whole. The more you can show the coach that you’re friendly, kind, and committed to the entire team and not just yourself, the better chances you have of making the team.
Be Encouraging
One of the worst things you can do on the court is diss other players or fail to encourage your fellow teammates. When one of your teammates does something great, give them a pat on the back and congratulate them. Being an encouraging teammate will show that you’re a natural leader, and your coach can depend on you to motivate your fellow players when it counts most.
Provided by Quality Hoops – basketball goal systems